Inspire, Motivate, Relate
Retention & Strategies - Workshops
Retention and Attraction workshops are hand-on custom programs designed specifically for your group whether they be line managers, HR staff or executives.
All workshops are interactive and utilize accelerated learning techniques to ensure that participants learn more and RETAIN more information.
The objective of these workshops is to educate people on effective ways to attract and retain women based on their unique perspectives, skills and experiences.
Some powHERful strategies covered in our workshops:
- Understanding the female perspective
- Facts and realities in the lives of women
- Mentoring
- Clubs
- Discussion (online or in person)
- Newsletters and publication
- Leadership and Peer Support
- Training and Development
- Flexible Work Environments
- Employee Assistance Programs
By the end of this program you will understand the issues and challenges for women in the workplace and you will be empowered to act from a place of authenticity and empathy. You will understand what works and what doesn't. You will be a leader in leveraging the diverse perspective of girls and women in your organization.
If you are interested in booking a custom workshop then please contact us.